Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Final Project: Reflecting on Reflections

     Last class, we discussed the final portion of the project, which meant that I was forced to think about various aspects of the project that I hadn't previously taken into serious consideration. The first thing I looked into further was audience and platform. I conducted further research first on the audience and looked at the pieces that had been featured in my research during the initial phases of the project to determine what my general audience for the project would be. Considering that Criminal Minds is rated as TV-14 and that movies like Seven and Joker are rated R, I think that the audience goes from roughly 14-20 and 30-year-olds.

    In terms of distribution, I looked at statistics on usage on various platforms for the project. There were various platforms that had high use among this age group, such as Netflix and Youtube. I think that the most attainable release for this project would be Youtube, as well as submitting something through various student film festivals that happen in Florida. 

    As for the reflection, I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of a director's review, where I discuss various decisions I've made about the project during production, which allows me time for reflection about so many aspects of the project. 

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Menace: Final Submission

 Here is the link to the drive folder where I have placed the two trailers: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13rmIXcpFOw1RG-D7BxnRJzdZ...