Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 The representation in the Tide commercial is negative towards female empowerment. The ad portrays a woman wearing all pink, who is alarmed by her daughter refusing to wear pink clothes and doing things typical of a tomboy. The mother is alarmed by this, and the ad portrays the daughter's interest as something that is unnatural for girls, something that shouldn't happen. The commercial tells the audience that girls should wear pink and that they must conform to the expectations society has imposed on them. The Axe commercial is also alarming. The females in the commercial are portrayed almost as sex animals, rushing towards a man while wearing revealing clothing. The ad's 'spray more, get more' campaign puts women as sexual creatures that would go any length in order to be satisfied. This puts forward an unrealistic, hypersexualized version of women, which is extremely unrealistic in comparison to society. 

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Menace: Final Submission

 Here is the link to the drive folder where I have placed the two trailers: